Computing the Universe - Jonathan Gorard, Wolfram Physics Project
On this episode, we’ll speak with one of the principal researchers on the Wolfram Physics Project, Jonathan Gorard. We’ll discuss how they plan to actually implement their “fundamental theory of the universe” and build these computational universes.
Jonathan Gorard is a theoretical mathematician, researcher at the University of Cambridge, and consultant to Wolfram Research. He is ostensibly the scientist tasked with doing the maths to demonstrate these concepts to the scientific community and the public. Actually proving these ideas out in the open, over the din of more than a few detractors, may be one of the most difficult parts of this highly complex project.
Along with a call for scientists everywhere to contribute and critique the project in an open-source manner, the team published nearly a thousand pages and over 500 hours of video. All since Wolfram’s announcement on April 14th titled, “We may have found a fundamental theory of the universe… and it’s beautiful.” The Wolfram Physics team, consisting of Stephen Wolfram, Jonathan Gorard, and theoretical physicist and competitive programmer Max Piskanov, are literally live-streaming the entire thing. Scientific discovery, open collaboration, and peer review happening in real-time, and anyone can get involved. Now that is beautiful.
This is the TomorrowScale Podcast. Hosted by Justin Briggs.
Wolfram Physics Project Website:
Announcement by Stephen Wolfram:
Registry of Notable Universes:
Jonathan Gorard, Cambridge University Center for Scientific Computing:
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